Computer Assisted Research on the Bible in the 21st Century   

Luis Vegas, Guadalupe Seijas y Javier Del Barco


Piscataway, NJ, Gorgias Press, 2010

The application of computer technology to the edition and linguistic analysis of biblical texts has provided, in the last thirty years, advanced tools for research purposes as well as for teaching the Bible in the classroom. This discipline requires, nonetheless, a critical evaluation from a historical perspective, examining past and present achievements and failures. There is a necessity to evaluate the current tools and to consider what is needed to satisfy the increasing demand of software related to the analysis of the biblical texts. This has been the task of the International Conference on Bible and Computers hold in El Escorial in 2008, organised by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This collection of essays includes the most relevant lectures and papers that have been presented there, and offers a wide overview of different trends in computer assisted technology on the Bible. Research and teaching demands are raised, as well as particularities dependent on the different biblical traditions and languages used in the biblical sources. The contributors of this volume have all long term research and teaching experience in the use of computer technology applied to the linguistic and literary study of the biblical texts. The volume will be of value to Bible scholars of any kind, as well as theologians interested in biblical interpretation and biblical criticism